Is Writer’s Block Devastating You? What’s to be done?

Is Writer’s Block Devastating You? What’s to be done?

Writer’s Block?

“Who is more to be pitied, a writer bound and gagged by policemen or one living in perfect freedom who has nothing more to say?” Kurt Vonnegut

When faced with writer's block what can you do?

What does the thought of catching writer’s block do to you?

How many creatives do you know who tell scary stories of brain fog and zero output?

Can you imagine sitting, mind blank, in front of a wordless screen?

What’s it like to have an unproductive brain squeezed in the vice of a pressing deadline?

When you’re lost in empty space, can anyone hear you scream?

  • Where is your creative stream when you need it?
  • How do you relight a dormant imaginative spark?

Writer’s block experiment

“The road to hell is paved with works-in-progress.” Philip Roth

Desperation is the driver of solution-seeking. In my writing life, I have met many authors who described the deep sense of frustration and failure when their muse took a holiday and writer’s block infected them.

So, what about you? Lost? Inert? If the cap fits, why not try this wee experiment? Moreover, if you don’t have writer’s block, why not try it anyway? When I came up with it, I tested the idea and found out that you don’t have to be inflicted to stimulate your creativity, and it doesn’t take long.

Try This

“writing about writer’s block is better than not writing at all.” Charles Bukowski

  1. Open the first email in your inbox
  2. Go five lines down the text, seven words in and find your starter word
  3. Write 250 words based on your word
  4. Complete the rough text in under half an hour
  5. Have a correction session if you’ve time

… “for” self-selected as my word …

Dare to begin

“Don’t waste time waiting for inspiration. Begin, and inspiration will find you.”
 H Jackson Brown Jr

If you decide to give it a go, one piece of advice… Just start! Unblock your writer’s block.

It didn’t take long; I started at 09:21 and finished at 09:46. In this case, the amount is less important than writing.

The text produced

‘The Magic Mirror said, ‘You need something for that …’ A mumbled statement and I missed the first part. Something for what?

I stared at myself. Was it the reddish-purple pimple with the yellow tip at the end of my slightly gnarled nose? Or my black, cracked, rough-edged fingernails? God, they looked like crumbly tombstones (talk about pizzazz). Then there were my slightly cheesy feet stuffed into my creaky black lizard boots; sooo comfy and, okay, they’re slightly dilapidated, but the heels give me an impressive, rather intimidating height.

Something for that! Something for what? My fabulous, furry, feral feline? Anyone can tell he’s an appropriate cat for someone like me, you know, big and ugly, like a few pounds of greenish tripe. Of course, he smells better than cows innards most of the time.

Apart from scaring children … he sneaks up on them, making loud, alternate growls and hissy-spits while arching his craggy, clumpy, mangy back. When up close, he bulges his dirty red eyes and lunges with menace as little horrors shriek ‘MUMEEEeee!’ What a wonderful familiar presence for a girl to have.

In fact, there’s only one real problem with him … flatulence! At that moment, Inferno fragranced the air with a hiss from a nether place. That was it! It was the scent of sulphur I needed something for.

It’s always good to solve a problem. I’m glad my friend didn’t insult me because I’d have been forced to turn her into something vile: a leprous frog, a squishy caterpillar … a politician …

How did you get on?

I drafted the above 250+ words in twenty-five minutes. I followed this with a swift correctional review, within the timeframe. Of course, there are a few typos and such.

Let me know how you get on. If you’d like more practical exercises, drop me a note. Do you have any thoughts to share (drop me another note)?

All feedback is welcome..

© Mac Logan

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