The Reborn Tree—1 Young Celt Battles Roman Evil to Protect His Culture

The Reborn Tree Saga…
In the imperial heart of Rome, an ancient malignancy breeds venomous corruption, division and death. A wicked cabal incites the Roman Empire to uproot and destroy the power of the Reborn Tree, even as it prepares to strike at the Emperor himself. Menace permeates the corridors of power. Watch the video.
A child’s heart carries the soul of the Reborn Tree
In the far corner of the rugged and mysterious land of Caledonia, a restorative power awakens after thousands of years and supports the fight for the spiritual and cultural survival of an ancient people. The firstborn child of a warrior mother with a mysterious father is pursued and attacked, time and again, by hideous evil. There is no let up in the attempts to destroy the young soul warrior of the Caledon.
Old ways, new beginnings, deadly conflict
The people trust the old ways in the face of powerful evil. Benign eldritch powers awaken to inspire the future AnamDraoidh. Amongst the ancient stones of the Lore Glen, a sapling springs from the remains of its magical forerunner. Gods join legendary beasts and beings as they strive to protect the lore and culture of the Caledonians, the most ancient of the peoples of the Sacred Isles.
Sacred Tree of Life
The symbolism of the sacred tree of life, rooted in the world, represents a power to equal the supernatural evil looming against the tribe. A youngster, the embodiment of the Reborn Tree, must learn to revive and focus wild and dangerous powers to protect his people. In time, his fey sister will stand beside him with all the strength of the feminine if she survives long enough.
Jeopardy at every turn
Evil powers from a vicious all-conquering Empire reach out to destroy the boy as he grows. AnkhArran faces exile, jeopardy and intense preparation for the conflict to come. Deep below ground in the ancient city of Zoan lies ancient knowledge, secrets and power. In a risky initiation, even survival isn’t certain; only the need to stand fast and overcome an invisible enemy. Mac Logan‘s tale oozes magic and adventure.
© Mac Logan