5 Practical Ideas for Starting A Happy Writing Journey

‘I have nothing to declare except my genius.’ Oscar Wilde
5 Practical Ideas … easy
My email pinged. ‘Would you like to do an interview?’ As an author? Wow! You know; likes, dislikes, advice and a real chance to pontificate. How could I get an invitation without a writing track record? You have to start somewhere.
Of course, your goals may not involve publicity at all. For me, the joy of creation alone is worth the writing journey and effort. Get the words produced and thereafter it’s up to you.
An invitation
It’s amazing how a minor dusting of celebrity turns an ego. I remember once being invited onto a panel with the late Iain Banks (a fine man). The invite had my self-importance stretching my toupee. Imagine basking in the reflected credibility of such a great writer. The experience was awesome. I sold a few books as well. However, it couldn’t have happened without my getting started.
Ideas for starting
Getting this blog done meant I had to write it. That is, sit down in front of my screen and tap out words. Naturally enough, work is required to turn ideas into a semblance of flow and logic. However flawed or acceptable, this piece is a result of writing.
So, what were my top five ideas? In this case, the following arrived.
- Write, write, write. You gotta kiss a lot of frogs before you find your voice.
- Believe. You do have a story to tell and it’s great!
- Trust your flow. When it comes you’ll know and it happens. What a feeling when words throw themselves at your page as you get lost in a creative surge; and laugh, cry, rage and tremble with your characters – or the needs of the task in hand, perhaps an article, a treatise, a script or a poem.
- Ask for and listen to advice. Different perspectives and expertise help ground you; even if you don’t agree, you have to think about the feedback you receive.
- Set goals—you won’t hit them all, but you will get somewhere and you’ll see the progress.
Don’t go all shy.
If you write, or think you’d like to, or are even plain terrified of putting pen to paper … if only I could … I don’t want to look foolish … Forget the trembling. What happens next can be so exciting and involving.
Ignore the niggling doubts. Do it. Face your fears, express yourself and have fun. Share your work and ask for feedback. Critique is very different to criticism. Before you know it you’ll have sheets of content and a personal style.
Dare to begin
One thing is certain: if you don’t start the journey you won’t be going anywhere …
Mac Logan