How to Enter the Kingdom of Heaven – Politicians Guide (video)

Kingdom of heaven? yes, please …
WHO WOULDN’T WANT a free pass to the kingdom of heaven?
AS THINGS STAND, times are tough for UK politicians. In the first place, they’re trapped in a caustic bubble of their own making. What’s more, although they’re surrounded by expensive experts and advisers, progress is worrying, perhaps even catastrophic.
Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Christian Bible NIV Matthew 18
Who is the boss?
SOME MAY BELIEVE Theresa May will do nothing until she gets her royal prerogative and ordains her (default, possibly-non-existent) solution. Me, I’m not so sure. It’s important to remember that she claims she is a Christian.
FOR THIS REASON, we can safely assume the hostile environment for immigrants was an accident? … and other sins are the result of misunderstandings and the machinations of other, less well-intentioned people?
WHEN, AT TIMES, we see TM’s face, scowling like a child, the answer is glaring us in the face? Childishness is what she needs.
IN THE CASE OF Brexit … and the cabinet’s meeting on Friday 6 July, who can they turn to? Where are excellent examples of best practice? Two-year-olds have an answer.
Need a sign?
MANY LEADERS IN the UK and USA claim a strong Christian faith. Are these politicians simply less open to love-one-another or do-as-you-would-be-done-by? For instance, did Jesus want millions of children in poverty in the UK?
DID THE SEPARATION of children from parents in the USA stem from a theological understanding of that what suffer the little children actually means? Does the bible say balancing the book, profits and Brexit are far more important than caring for (and the mental wellbeing of) people?
Seek a sign
IMAGINE A POLITICIAN, needing help, feeling alone and with only one last place to turn … Finally, driven by panic, knees pressed into a thick pile carpet, knuckles clamped together and whitening after a good look into the abyss, our politico prays,
‘Give me a sign, oh Lord, the kingdom of heaven sounds good to me, I swear. I want to join. Okay, okay in spite of past deeds … err … if I can’t see a sign, how about a clue?’
WHAT ABOUT two-year-olds?
Here’s a clue …
ONE OF MY grandchildren and a friend, both toddlers, know what to do? For instance, in their innocent wisdom, they work on a difficult task together.
ON TOP OF THAT, they look out for each other. Spontaneous praise is given and received between them. And, to cap it all, they get encouragement from admiring and loving people watching them work.
Wee prayer
I pray that all bamboozled politicians see the light. However many haven’t, don’t or won’t. In such cases, what better than an ordained minister hunting them down? There are alternative routes out of tough situations, even if not all of them lead to the kingdom of heaven.
© Mac Logan