3 major interruptors of life’s peace and dealing with them

3 major interruptors of life’s peace and dealing with them

Who says nothing is impossible? I’ve been doing nothing for years. Anonymous

3 major interruptors

interruptor of life's peaceA real challenge, when I’m doing things, is avoiding sidetracking events. I can think of three instant disruptors:

  1. Automated flagging of new emails
  2. A vibration and noise when new messages or tweets come into my phone
  3. Unbidden thoughts that steal my focus

The first two are easy to solve: all I need do is switch off the offending equipment or functionality. I suppose it is the unbidden thoughts I need to deal with.

As I get older it seems that my thinking is affected by different types of distraction. Of these there are two main strands:

  • Memory related events
  • Sidetracking interests

The memory related episodes involve the sudden recall of a powerful event from the past or, perhaps, recent contact with others or situations which have enough impact or energy to be revisited without effort. I’d claim semi-awareness in such situations.

Sidetracking interests are simply to do with something catching my eye or a thought that tickles my fancy. I automatically divert towards these without thinking. The type of deflection is pretty hard to detect as I tend to drift into the mode without noticing.

Once engaged in something pleasurable and interesting, I don’t notice my loss of focus. It can be hard to get back on track.

Is it normal when older men still remember matters involving romance and the more physical aspects of human contact. Of course one could argue that the way out of this one is falling asleep — who said: as usual.

What to do?

For now I think I’ll put up with it. Most of my Sidetracking interests are fun. Many are creative and stimulating. Some hurt or rankle and it’s important to lay them to rest. Most of the memory related episodes confirm my brain is still working — even if some of the content is difficult or sad.

© Mac Logan

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